Friday, December 9, 2016

A Christians Definitive Guide to Christmas Music

The Music of Christmas

How to survive the sounds of Christmas

By Rev. Adam Fox

Greetings Faithful Bloggers and a cheery Happy and Merry Christmas!

It is December. And as the weatherman has reminded us all ready, it is going to be a bear of a year. A Winter that makes you want to stay inside and reconsider doing any outdoor activities. 
But as bad as January and February may be, we are in December and that means one thing, CHRISTMAS!!!!

It s a time where we spend too much, we eat too much, we decorate a dead tree and show case it to all our family and friends. With lots of movies and music that warm the corners of your heart. 
Some say that it is a magical time of year. And they are NOT wrong, just right for the wrong reasons. 
Christmas movies are wonderful, seeing Uncle Eddy in Christmas Vacation. Elf save Christmas in ELF, and seeing Nakatomi Plaza get saved from Terrorists in Die Hard are just a few amazing Christmas movies. But as good as they are, it is the music that takes the cake.
Christmas music is something that gets played for 6 weeks or so. Similar songs all song by different artists. 

Some people hate hearing Santa Claus is coming to town for the 50th time. And I understand that. But for a minute, think of all the Christmas music in the world. Is there a few songs that you need to hear in order for the holiday to be special? 

For me, some songs make the season. 
Halloween is not the same until I watch the Michael Jackson Thriller video. 
Christmas is not Christmas without hearing the Muppets sing the 12 days of Christmas AND AND AND! Lou Monte sing Dominick the Donkey. 

It is one of my all time favorite songs. It is silly. It is funny. It is Christmas. 

But as much as I love so many Christmas songs, and 9FM plays so many great songs. But we as Christians should not be these grouchy grumpy Scrooges. We need to understand the music and the season and use it as an opportunity. 

MY best Bobbo, ps - everyone should have a Best Bob. Bobbo told me something profound that one of his professors at Moody told him about. Christmas music is a time in which the world is singing our music. That is profound.
The classic songs, the songs you hear still on every Christmas station and playlist. 
A First Noel
Little Drummer Boy
O Come all Ye Faithful
Silent Night
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Away in a Manger
Wise Men
O Holy Night

To name a few songs. 
These songs, which give your heart that warm tingling feeling like fuzzy pajamas while sipping on coffee with a dash of cinnamon. But these are not just songs that have lasted the decades. These are songs that proclaim the birth of the Savior Jesus. 
This is an opportunity to have the world sing about the Birth of God. How Christ came to Earth in the form of a baby. 
If the world was actually singing and WANTS to hear about Jesus, then why are we complaining about too long of a season? 
We need to explain the meaning behind these songs. About how God came to Earth to be the savior from our Sin problems. How He lived a perfect life and allowed evil men to humiliate and wound Him and willingly let men kill Him. Why? Because He loves us and wants a relationship with us. 
Jesus came to Earth, lived, died, and then ROSE FROM THE DEAD. 
Providing a way for us to have a relationship with Him and live forever. 

This is Christmas. Not the gifts. Not the tree. Not movies. Not the snow. It is a time to worship the God who stepped down from Heaven, so that we can be forgiven for our sins. 
Enjoy the music. 

Sing with the world about a time where we Celebrate the Messiah. 
Until next month! 
Excelsior and Cheers! and a very Merry Christmas

Pastor Adam

Friday, November 11, 2016

a Response to Mr Trump

From Trump to God

By Rev Adam Fox

Greetings my fine Blog Friends, or Blends. 
Can you believe we have 7 weeks left in this calendar year. 2016 has been a roller coaster of emotions, both high and low. And for some, we have reached the lowest of the low. For some in our Nation, the loss of Harambe and Bowie and the situation with Police was bad, wait till  you get a hold of President Elect Donald Trump. Yep, Trump. 

The Billionaire who got a Stunner for Stone Cold Steve Austin in a WrestleMania.

The man who gave directions to Kevin in Home Alone.

The man who is famous for saying "You're Fired"

He is going to be our next President. Let that sink in a little.

For half of our country, this is a man that produces such an emotional response. Because of things said - both in the election process and in life, because of actions, business stuff, family stuff...Hatred, Fear, Anger are emotions that are bubbling up from so many in the amazing country of ours. 

For myself, I did not know how to respond that Wednesday morning. Should I be excited? Should I be scared? Should I lash out on a social media platform so everyone can hear my opinion (if they like it or not)? And for a hot minute, I got on Facebook like I normally do and it was a war zone. The Pro Hillary people, the pro Trump people. The fear spreaders. The terrified. The excited. The braggers. Even the non-voters. Of all the things I read, there was one common word used. They.

Each side used a word to describe the other view point and refereed to them as They. And it bothers me. We are the UNITED States of America. We will have differences, but a great thing about this country is that we work together on the things that matter. We are a country that loves on each other, as the Bible talks about. Love our neighbors. My point is this, stop refering to other people, or people groups as they. It isolates you and makes others feel under you. Attempt to work out the differences instead of letting uncontrolled emotions run wild. But that still leaves us with the latest Hot Button issue. Our next president is a man that a lot do not respect, some are afraid of, and others want to leave because of. While I am not saying how I voted, because that does not matter any longer. Mr Trump is our President. Protesting and rioting will not make last Tuesday go away. Using the hashtag #notmypresident will not change the fact that he is. This is a 180 from 8 years ago when Evangelicals would not accept Obama as there President. But we must. Am I curious as to what campaign promise will be kept? If there was a Campaign Trump and a President Trump? What will happen to Minority groups and refuges? All YES!But I believe we need to wait and see. See who he appoints around him, his cabinet and advisers. See if he acts differently than his Twitter persona.Wait and see before we judge and sentence. And if we wait and see, we also need to one thing. The most important thing all Christians and Americans can do - Pray.Prayer is important and it works. We are called to not only love our fellow man, but also pray for our leadership. Leadership means local government, church leaders, up to our top man and the people who advises them. And that is where I want to spend the last of this with. We need to Pray for President Trump, like him or not, voted for him or not, scared of him or not. AND we need to pray for wisdom for his advisory as well. The Bible is filled with examples of people who sought council from men who were not Godly men and gave horrid advice. Look at the Book of Esther. Or look at the friends of Job. Look at Rehoboam... These examples of how bad advice can influence a person. We need to pray for Godly men and women to surround Mr Trump and seek God on every decision. And Pray for Trump. 1 Timothy 2 shows us clearly what we need to do for all our elected officials. "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time."
Let me leave you with this. God has not forgotten us. He knew who would become President and it is what we need. Now it is our turn. PRay for him, about every decession and every appointment and law. And that He would seek a relationship with God if he has not already.
Until next time. 

Cheers and Excelsior!
Pastor Adam

Friday, October 21, 2016

Line Envy

The most unhappy place in the Happiest Place On Earth

Lessons on Jealousy

By Rev. Adam Fox

Greetings my faithful followers!
Sorry for the delay in posting this latest edition of the Foxtrot. Last week I was on vacation in beautiful sunny Orlando, Florida!
That's right, a vacation!
Not to brag, but this was my first vacation since high school, so it was long over due. And I took advantage of every minute.
So my cousin Jana, her fiance John, my girlfriend Andrea and myself all flew down to Universal Studios to have fun watching Harry Potter World. It was amazing. There were plenty of memories made for all of us. And a few life lessons that we learned, like 90% humidity and caffeine are not a good mix...
But for Andrea and I this trip was more than just a vacation, I used it to propose to her and she agreed to marry me. So YAY!!

The trip was beyond amazing, and most assuredly memorable. From all the parks, to the food, to the shows and rides, even the roller-coasters - or so I am told. But I must admit, my three days in the park there was one thing that got worse as each day, each ride passed. The lines.

For each ride and coaster, Universal offers general admission and a special express pass for those that pay for it. We did not. So for most rides, we waited anywhere from 20-75 minutes. I do not mind waiting, it is part of the experience and I had my fiance to wait with - bonus!
But the people who had the special passes got through the lines in record times. At first it did not bother me, but as it got hotter, and I got more irritated those Express Pass suckas made me envious. 

Jealousy and Envy do that to us.
They make us regret our choices, what we have for what others have and are doing. For me, it was that Express Line. I wanted to be able to flash a laminated card and skip ahead of hundreds. Ignoring the fact that I was in a cooler line, with an amazing woman whom I love.
Jealousy is a thief and robber. It is a great tool that Satan uses.
As Christians we have so much to be thankful for. We have been forgiven by the Creator of the Universe for all the sins that we have committed. We get to be in Heaven forever with our God and Savior who loves us so much. We as Americans live in a country that is free and does not come after us to worship or assemble.
That is just scratching the surface. But jealousy creeps in. It does to all of us.
It could be in the physical attributes of another person.
It could be in the car someone has
It could be in a job or career
It could be in how people treat others compared to how you feel you are treated.
But the Bible shows us often that we are to trust God completely and not be jealous. Look at Saul and David. Saul was jealous of David because of how their people celebrated David more coming how from a battle. " Saul has killed his hundreds, while David has killed his thousands."
Jealousy drove Saul mad and got him killed.
We need to be careful.
James 3:14-16 warn us what envy and jealousy can do.
14 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.

15 Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 

16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
Solomon also warned us that envy can rot the bones.
For me, that means being okay waiting in lines. Enjoying the people and places I am with instead of those badge-flashing vacationers.
What does it mean for you? Ask God for help in this area of your life. 

Until next time
Cheers and Excelsior!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Needs and Greeds

Shut up and take my Money!

By Rev. Adam Fox

Greetings and  a warm salutations to my readers. TGIF for me here. But as I sit at my desk, looking around my spacious office the thought hits me. I have a lot of cool stuff. 
I am so blessed. I have too many electronic devices, I have cups and mugs galore, pops, books upon books... 
But sometimes its hard to see that. Instead we focus on the new news of The Samsung Note 7 - fire extinguisher not included, or the new Iphone 7 or new Apple Watch 2, or the new Apple Glass - iPatch. Okay that last one was my own idea, but it would be amazing!

As Americans we have always loved our things. We seem to be going cycles of using things and saving things. And we are stuck in the need, buy, break, throw it away cycle. 
I am no different. I ave a wonderful iPhone. It is not the latest model, but it is crack free, and works like a champ. But when Apple tells you about the new phone and how fast and bright and fantastic it is, it makes me hate Charlie the iPhone a little. 
I have as an adult have always leaned towards the want of money and want of possessions. Things and money help in many areas, and are a sure sign of status. 
When I was away at Olivet for college, I had the stuff bug and sadly, I was poorer than ever. So I would go to Target or Walmart in town and grab a cart and fill it up with things that I would want to buy. So DVD, clothes, foods, toys...
But because I was broke I would take each Item and reason with myself if I NEEDED it. I nearly always did not. Item by Item. Until I had nothing left. I would then ditch the cart and go home. 
Was this the smartest thing, no. But for me, it helped with my shopping problem.
Do I or us have a WANT problem?
Is that wrong? 
What does the Bible say?

The Bible is clear about the love of Money. It is a dangerous love.
Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6

The love of money, or possessions is dangerous. It puts money or things in place of God. The most important thing in our lives should be God. Above Nation, above family, above the Bears, above even our significant others. 

Am I saying that we should live the life of Saint Francis? No. What I am saying is that we should be careful with our love of things. It is an addiction just as drinking or smoking or porn can be. 
We should realize that having the latest Nike or best cell phone does not truly earn us status or security. That can only come from God. And having a storehouse full of back-up Beanie Babies does not give us that. 
Jesus told a story that outlined this principle. 
13 Then one from the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.”
14 But He said to him, “Man, who made Me a judge or an arbitrator over you?” 15 And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness,for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.”
16 Then He spoke a parable to them, saying: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. 17 And he thought within himself, saying, ‘What shall I do, since I have no room to store my crops?’ 18 So he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.”’ 20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’
21 “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” Luke 12
Be careful friends. I know I will be. I have been watching my spending habits and using my money for better and smarter things. 
As for Charlie the iPhone, he will be around for a while longer. And it looks Like Tom Haverford is wrong on this one.

Until next time dear friends. Hope you enjoyed the bonus post.

Excelsior and Cheers!
Pastor Adam

Friday, September 9, 2016

Viva La Raza

Viva La Raza

Life Lessons from the WWE?

When I was younger, my parents hosted a Bible study on Friday Nights in our house. And since I was to young to work, I would watch TV with headphones in. Now Friday Night television is rarely good. But it had one show that I watched, and fell in love with WWE: Smackdown.
I know, I know. It is not real, it is scripted action. To me it is like a male soap opera. It had action in the ring, it had drama, it had comedy, it had heroes and villains. It had everything I wanted.
On that show was one wrestler I truly fell in love with, his name was Eddie Guerrero. Eddie was a Latino Wrestler, and had this swagger about him. They used him as a tag-team wrestler, as a singles, in championship mode, and as comedy relief.
Two of the best moments from his career was being in a tag-team with his cousin, Chavo, called Los Guerreros. It was comedy gold and action pack moments. It was something I would never miss.
Then there was when this little fella, won the world title on Pay-per-view, and then celebrated the next episode. I was at home doing the same thing.
Eddie was my favorite wrestler, but as I got older I got busy and stopped watching wrestling. Stopped having Friday nights free. In 2005 while I was at Technical College, I got messaged that it was being reported that Eddie had suffered a heart attack and died.
I was heart broken.

Over time, I bought the DVD of his career, and still to this day enjoy seeing him fit the Frog Splash from the Top Rope or Hit the Three Amigos Suplex. Last week I even bought an autobiography of his life called “Cheating Death, Stealing Life: The Eddie Guerroro Story”
Like any autobiography, it goes through his family and life growing up, and his drive to get into wrestling. But there was one section that surpised me. Eddie, the writer, tells of his Faith in God. Where throughout the book he tells of having a relationship with God.
While it is hard to wrap my mind around that with the life that he led, I want to take it at its word. I guess once I get to Heaven I will know for certain.

In his book, he tells of when he met his future wife, Vicky. And while they were dating they begat, or fornicated, or had coitus, and Vicky became pregnant.
Eddie talks of wanting to do the right thing, and marry her. But his Baptist church in Mexico refused him and Vicky because she was pregnant and this set him off. And in the book, you can see how he is writing frustration after frustration of the church.
This made me think. Did He have a point?
Maybe. Having premarital sex with his girlfriend before marriage is wrong, the Bible is clear about it. The union of a man and woman is sacred and should be for marriage only. Is there always a temptation to have sex. YES!
Look at our society. Look at our “leaders” and our films and shows. Sex is common. It is just an act. We are told that we need to be sexy to have sex. Have you seen the fashions lately – shorter and sheer are in – sadly.
We as a Church, we as THE Church cannot compromise on this or anything that society tells us. Bold this, underline this, read it again. We will not, and should never change or compromise what scripture says so we can stay up to date, or get more people. Never.
But sometimes what gets lost in this stance is humanity.
We are to abhore sin. The Bible is clear on sin and evil and how God detests it. But what about the person who commits these sins?
Like Eddie Guerrero thought, As Christians, believers in God, who have been forgiven by God. We need to remember that God loves us. All of us. All of humanity. And sent His son to die for all of us, to take away all of our sins.
Did we sin? Yep.
Do we sin still? I know personally speaking yes, but every day I try to be more like God.
God loved us while we were still sinners. Shouldn’t we do the same?
Hate sin. Not compromise on right or wrong. But love the person unconditionally.

Until next time heroes!
Excelsior and Cheers!

Pastor Adam

Friday, August 19, 2016

Same Team Dummy

Same Team Dummy

by Rev. Adam Fox

Greetings Most Excellent ones! I am and forever will be Pastor Adam. I am glad you have stopped by to read and share. 
I like the sport of Baseball. It has been described as America's Summer Pass-time. There is no better feel than going to a ballpark, eating junk food, watching 9 men try to get 1 out. Seeing a team unite by a group of people or a city's team. 
Now if you know me there are two baseball teams that stoke my interest more than any other - The Chicago White Sox and the St. Louis Cardinals. My AL and NL team. Seeing the success and championships, and sadly the struggle as well. 
But Chicago is in conflict. We are a split Baseball city, with the White Sox and the Cubs. There are die-hards for both teams and they will never cheer for the other. And then there are the other folk. Those that will support wither team, because Chicago is in it - the bi-soxual folk. 
The other day I was wearing a White Sox shirt and got teased by some Cubs fans since the Cubs are doing so well and the Sox... well next year.
Are mindset is one or the other in most everything in life. 
Sox or Cubs
Hamburger or Hot Dog
Republican or Democrat
Red head or blond
Leno or Letterman
Captain America or Iron man

While society pushed us to  be this way, there is one are that I nor any Christian should not be this way is in the church.
As a Youth Pastor, I work a lot with teenagers and students. Step one for Youth ministry is getting students to come, then enjoy it while being challenged, change their lives and so forth...
But we need to have students there, in order for them to learn about God, become spiritually mature, get plugged into the church... 
Early in my career as a Youth worker, I struggled with getting students to come. I sued to have to beg them to come. There was one family, with two students, who would not let there children come. It made no sense to me!
They were old enough, they wanted to be there, but the parents would not let them. It was church of school sports. 
We had words a few times. 

Over time, these students came. Not in spite of my war of words with these parents. It took me years to figure out, that I am not supposed to be in conflict with Parents - but work beside them and with them. Be on the same team. 

I have been remeinded of this fact over and over again this summer. For me, God does not always whisper at me, some times he says the same thing over and over until I hear Him. 
I am listening God
Minsitry with teens and children is difficult. A Youth Pastor has only a few hours a week with these students. And it can be a blessed time, it is not the most effective way. 
Students learn the most from their families - since they are around them the most. The parents are the greatest teachers. 
Myself and other Pastors need to be in contact with the Parents as much as the students, to keep them in the loop of what is going on and learning, and to be an aid to them as well. 
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love theLord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
And yes, not every parent is ready to be the Spiritual leader that these students and children need. That is where the Church comes in. Let in the fans.
The church should be filled with adults of all generations that want to be involved in every aspect of the students life. From school, to girls, to family stuff, to sports and the arts, to spiritual encouragement. 
How great will it be one day if I come to church and instead of taking a good portion of my day to fill-up each student and check in on them - but for adults from the church are swarmed around them building relationships, and loving on them.
We are on the same team, lets work together in love. Supporting each other and making time for each other. 

Until next time. 
Excelsior and Cheers!

Pastor Adam

Friday, July 29, 2016

Pop Goes the Wallet

Pop Goes the Wallet - A lesson on Saving, kinda

MY name is Rev. Adam Fox, and I have an addiction. I am a lover of comics, the nerd life, and lately, Funko Pop figures. (waits for crowd to say Hi Adam)
Over the last 5 years or so, I have fell in love with comics. While I have always loved certain characters and followed them at a distant. Lately I have been treating them like chips or snacks. We all have our favorite snack, lately mine have been Goldfish and Gummied Worms. You eat one or two and supposed to leave. Nope. Eat until your stomach hurts, the American Way.
My girlfriend bout for me on my birthday a subscription to Marvel Unlimited, a digital comics database. I can read as much as I want all year, and I do. This has let me rekindle the ove I have for Spider-man, Peter, Gwen, and Miles. As well as Dr Strange, Mrs Marvel – Both Carol and Kamala, The New Avengers, The Secret Avengers, What if, Special events… so much good reads.
And this passion has let me show my passion off with posters, or witty shirts, and Funko Pops. Funko makes little figures of many different characters from comics, to nerds genre, to movie, to cartoons, to Disney, to WWE… and so forth. And I love them. I really do. I do unbox them and play with them. I put them in different scenes and have them act out things and so forth.
And One is not enough, this company is great at targeting the niche of the niche. They have the big name figures like Superman, like Captain America, the Disney Princesses, the Stone Colds, to the many Doctors, even Political Canidates.

But Last night I went looking for whats new and cool. And found so many. I saw Pops from the Breakfast Club. SpiderVerse. Back to The Future and so forth. Boy did my eyes widen. I wanted them. I wanted specific ones. I want Spiderman 2099, Black Suit Peter. Venom. Carnage. Anti-Venom. AND Squirle Girl. Star Lord too. The I wants got the best of me.
As a Christain, I should not have the gimmies. But they come in so many shapes and sizes. Shoes. Dresses and clothes. Cars. Status symbols. Phones and Tech. I guess even partners. We are no different than the world in that way. Christians still get in debt. They still buy things they do not need. They still are not smart with money. But is that an excuse? Nope.
We cannot let our hobbies, become our obsessions. We need to be smart about money and our time. The Bible instructs us to be care with money and things.
Matthew 6:19-21 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
1 Timothy 6:7-10 For we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.
Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
Hebrews 13:5  Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Money was one of the things Jesus talked the most about, so money and love of things apply here.
I do love my Comics and my Pops but do I let it be my everything and obsession? No. Do I let the want of more money be my driving force? No.
 Be content with what you have.
I could have all the Pops in the World and when I die, they will not come with me. And what bothers me is the attitude is whoever dies with the most does not win. Jesus said in Matthew 6 on the Sermon on the Mount that we should be invested in treasures in Heaven.
To me, that means giving back more. Spreading the Word so others can know about how much God loves them. Sharing love with those that do not deserve it.
Will I still have my Pops. Yeah. Am I going to go through my wish list on Amazon and delete a lot, take that list of 20 down to 2-3, count on it!

Until next time. 

Take Care, and Spike your Hair! 
Pastor Adam

Friday, July 8, 2016

Build me an Arky-Arky

God said to Noah... and Ken Ham I guess too

By Rev. Adam Fox

Excelsior True Believers!

Friday my family made it down the the newly built Ark down at the Creation Museum. While I have always wanted to go see the Creation Museum and now the Ark, schedules and time are not always on my side. 
But can we step back and realize what is happening. Here in America, the land of the Brave and Home of the Free-ish, we have the Holy Lands Park, a Creation Museum, and now a life sized Ark!

This is a great time we are living in as Modern Americans. We have so many freedoms in this land, and places to see these Bible stories come to life. 
While I could not be there in person, I have enjoyed following the progress each month in their magazine. See the ark go from so gopher wood to a what is it to oh I see it now. 
 Until the Creation Institute and Ken Ham started this project, and brought this legend to life. We have only had badly drawn books and grainy films about the ark. I remember watching a documentary trying to prove the ark existed and the Bible was true. But once they got to the where is it now segment, all we saw was a far away picture. I saw clearer images of big foot.
Or we go the opposite, we teach our kids about happy full grown cute animals shoved in a tiny boat. And that is not true, and gives them wrong information. About the Ark size, how it was built, the types of animals...

We need to go to the scriptures and remember this story. We cannot let Hollywood try to tell us what happened, and they tried a lot. We need to be familiar with the story found in Genesis 6-8. Of why God chose Noah. Why did God want an Ark to be built. What kinds of animals. How long did it take? All of these questions and more can be found by reading the Bible. The Truth from God. 
We are in a golden time. We have a real life built to scale Ark. But lets not treat this like we do most things in America. We are infatuated with it, and then get tired of it and grab onto the next distraction or fad. 
Go. Keep going. Support the Ministries of Answers in Genesis. Lets make the Ark filled like this all the time!

Cheers and God Bless.
Pastor Adam