Friday, September 9, 2016

Viva La Raza

Viva La Raza

Life Lessons from the WWE?

When I was younger, my parents hosted a Bible study on Friday Nights in our house. And since I was to young to work, I would watch TV with headphones in. Now Friday Night television is rarely good. But it had one show that I watched, and fell in love with WWE: Smackdown.
I know, I know. It is not real, it is scripted action. To me it is like a male soap opera. It had action in the ring, it had drama, it had comedy, it had heroes and villains. It had everything I wanted.
On that show was one wrestler I truly fell in love with, his name was Eddie Guerrero. Eddie was a Latino Wrestler, and had this swagger about him. They used him as a tag-team wrestler, as a singles, in championship mode, and as comedy relief.
Two of the best moments from his career was being in a tag-team with his cousin, Chavo, called Los Guerreros. It was comedy gold and action pack moments. It was something I would never miss.
Then there was when this little fella, won the world title on Pay-per-view, and then celebrated the next episode. I was at home doing the same thing.
Eddie was my favorite wrestler, but as I got older I got busy and stopped watching wrestling. Stopped having Friday nights free. In 2005 while I was at Technical College, I got messaged that it was being reported that Eddie had suffered a heart attack and died.
I was heart broken.

Over time, I bought the DVD of his career, and still to this day enjoy seeing him fit the Frog Splash from the Top Rope or Hit the Three Amigos Suplex. Last week I even bought an autobiography of his life called “Cheating Death, Stealing Life: The Eddie Guerroro Story”
Like any autobiography, it goes through his family and life growing up, and his drive to get into wrestling. But there was one section that surpised me. Eddie, the writer, tells of his Faith in God. Where throughout the book he tells of having a relationship with God.
While it is hard to wrap my mind around that with the life that he led, I want to take it at its word. I guess once I get to Heaven I will know for certain.

In his book, he tells of when he met his future wife, Vicky. And while they were dating they begat, or fornicated, or had coitus, and Vicky became pregnant.
Eddie talks of wanting to do the right thing, and marry her. But his Baptist church in Mexico refused him and Vicky because she was pregnant and this set him off. And in the book, you can see how he is writing frustration after frustration of the church.
This made me think. Did He have a point?
Maybe. Having premarital sex with his girlfriend before marriage is wrong, the Bible is clear about it. The union of a man and woman is sacred and should be for marriage only. Is there always a temptation to have sex. YES!
Look at our society. Look at our “leaders” and our films and shows. Sex is common. It is just an act. We are told that we need to be sexy to have sex. Have you seen the fashions lately – shorter and sheer are in – sadly.
We as a Church, we as THE Church cannot compromise on this or anything that society tells us. Bold this, underline this, read it again. We will not, and should never change or compromise what scripture says so we can stay up to date, or get more people. Never.
But sometimes what gets lost in this stance is humanity.
We are to abhore sin. The Bible is clear on sin and evil and how God detests it. But what about the person who commits these sins?
Like Eddie Guerrero thought, As Christians, believers in God, who have been forgiven by God. We need to remember that God loves us. All of us. All of humanity. And sent His son to die for all of us, to take away all of our sins.
Did we sin? Yep.
Do we sin still? I know personally speaking yes, but every day I try to be more like God.
God loved us while we were still sinners. Shouldn’t we do the same?
Hate sin. Not compromise on right or wrong. But love the person unconditionally.

Until next time heroes!
Excelsior and Cheers!

Pastor Adam

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