Friday, August 19, 2016

Same Team Dummy

Same Team Dummy

by Rev. Adam Fox

Greetings Most Excellent ones! I am and forever will be Pastor Adam. I am glad you have stopped by to read and share. 
I like the sport of Baseball. It has been described as America's Summer Pass-time. There is no better feel than going to a ballpark, eating junk food, watching 9 men try to get 1 out. Seeing a team unite by a group of people or a city's team. 
Now if you know me there are two baseball teams that stoke my interest more than any other - The Chicago White Sox and the St. Louis Cardinals. My AL and NL team. Seeing the success and championships, and sadly the struggle as well. 
But Chicago is in conflict. We are a split Baseball city, with the White Sox and the Cubs. There are die-hards for both teams and they will never cheer for the other. And then there are the other folk. Those that will support wither team, because Chicago is in it - the bi-soxual folk. 
The other day I was wearing a White Sox shirt and got teased by some Cubs fans since the Cubs are doing so well and the Sox... well next year.
Are mindset is one or the other in most everything in life. 
Sox or Cubs
Hamburger or Hot Dog
Republican or Democrat
Red head or blond
Leno or Letterman
Captain America or Iron man

While society pushed us to  be this way, there is one are that I nor any Christian should not be this way is in the church.
As a Youth Pastor, I work a lot with teenagers and students. Step one for Youth ministry is getting students to come, then enjoy it while being challenged, change their lives and so forth...
But we need to have students there, in order for them to learn about God, become spiritually mature, get plugged into the church... 
Early in my career as a Youth worker, I struggled with getting students to come. I sued to have to beg them to come. There was one family, with two students, who would not let there children come. It made no sense to me!
They were old enough, they wanted to be there, but the parents would not let them. It was church of school sports. 
We had words a few times. 

Over time, these students came. Not in spite of my war of words with these parents. It took me years to figure out, that I am not supposed to be in conflict with Parents - but work beside them and with them. Be on the same team. 

I have been remeinded of this fact over and over again this summer. For me, God does not always whisper at me, some times he says the same thing over and over until I hear Him. 
I am listening God
Minsitry with teens and children is difficult. A Youth Pastor has only a few hours a week with these students. And it can be a blessed time, it is not the most effective way. 
Students learn the most from their families - since they are around them the most. The parents are the greatest teachers. 
Myself and other Pastors need to be in contact with the Parents as much as the students, to keep them in the loop of what is going on and learning, and to be an aid to them as well. 
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love theLord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
And yes, not every parent is ready to be the Spiritual leader that these students and children need. That is where the Church comes in. Let in the fans.
The church should be filled with adults of all generations that want to be involved in every aspect of the students life. From school, to girls, to family stuff, to sports and the arts, to spiritual encouragement. 
How great will it be one day if I come to church and instead of taking a good portion of my day to fill-up each student and check in on them - but for adults from the church are swarmed around them building relationships, and loving on them.
We are on the same team, lets work together in love. Supporting each other and making time for each other. 

Until next time. 
Excelsior and Cheers!

Pastor Adam

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