Friday, July 8, 2016

Build me an Arky-Arky

God said to Noah... and Ken Ham I guess too

By Rev. Adam Fox

Excelsior True Believers!

Friday my family made it down the the newly built Ark down at the Creation Museum. While I have always wanted to go see the Creation Museum and now the Ark, schedules and time are not always on my side. 
But can we step back and realize what is happening. Here in America, the land of the Brave and Home of the Free-ish, we have the Holy Lands Park, a Creation Museum, and now a life sized Ark!

This is a great time we are living in as Modern Americans. We have so many freedoms in this land, and places to see these Bible stories come to life. 
While I could not be there in person, I have enjoyed following the progress each month in their magazine. See the ark go from so gopher wood to a what is it to oh I see it now. 
 Until the Creation Institute and Ken Ham started this project, and brought this legend to life. We have only had badly drawn books and grainy films about the ark. I remember watching a documentary trying to prove the ark existed and the Bible was true. But once they got to the where is it now segment, all we saw was a far away picture. I saw clearer images of big foot.
Or we go the opposite, we teach our kids about happy full grown cute animals shoved in a tiny boat. And that is not true, and gives them wrong information. About the Ark size, how it was built, the types of animals...

We need to go to the scriptures and remember this story. We cannot let Hollywood try to tell us what happened, and they tried a lot. We need to be familiar with the story found in Genesis 6-8. Of why God chose Noah. Why did God want an Ark to be built. What kinds of animals. How long did it take? All of these questions and more can be found by reading the Bible. The Truth from God. 
We are in a golden time. We have a real life built to scale Ark. But lets not treat this like we do most things in America. We are infatuated with it, and then get tired of it and grab onto the next distraction or fad. 
Go. Keep going. Support the Ministries of Answers in Genesis. Lets make the Ark filled like this all the time!

Cheers and God Bless.
Pastor Adam

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