Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Can I get a Hero

Say it ain't so Joe? Say it ain't so?

Identifying a REAL hero

By Rev Adam Fox

It is not a secret, I love the Chicago White Sox and I tend to idolize certain people. So it is no secret that of all the Sox achievements and great players, one of the best was Joe Jackson. Shoeless Joe was the best player in the league for a decade, and led the Sox to the 1919 World Series, until he was accused, along with 7 other players, for taking a bribe and throwing the series. 

The national heart ache of such a baseball hero doing such a bad thing. The hurt. The outrage. The over-reaction.
It was just one turn in an endless cycle of heroes rising and falling for various reasons. 
We all have heroes from literature, film, television, sports, politics, and so forth. When I was a little fox, I used to love watching Pee Wee's Play House hosted by the wacky Pee Wee Hermon.

 It was everything a kid needed. But one day, my parents sat me and my brother down and explained that we could not watch that show anymore because Pee Wee did something wrong and disgusting. I was crushed. 
Only later, when I was older did I learn what he actually did and was disgusted and appalled, a childhood hero down the toilet. But when I was little, I bounced to the next kid oriented show - Hello Ninja Turtles!
In early October, little by little, one by one did more and more accusations come up against Hollywood big wig Harvey Weinstein. 

(There actually are pictures of him, I just choose not to show that jerks face.)
But scores of women have made claims that Weinstein assaulted them sexually. This ripple of sexual assault has snowballed into more women sharing personal stories of people in power abusing that authority and power into sexual assault.

 This led to the #metoo campaign to give all victims a voice. If this was it, it would be horrible enough, but as the kids say - hold my avocado. 

In the recent weeks there has been leveled accusations against former Presidents, congress and political men, actors and directors, sports stars, comedians, television media... and while I am not here to prove or defend the charges. It is not my place to justify these claims or to verify them. That is what the court system is for. I am not here to make this a political debate either. 
Should we disregard all the claims and accusations because they are against someone we enjoy, or voted for, or root for? Yes and no. We always need to respect and love the other person as we are loved and respected. Even if we think they are wrong. Respect, but hold judgement. Let it work it's way out, the truth always finds a way out eventually. And let God be the final judge, not us. 
However,  I am here to ask the question no one is asking. 
Who should we as believers have as heroes in the first place?
It is easy to be an American Christian  and look at our favorite movies and fall in love with an actor or sports star for what they do on our television. I am guilty of placing other humans and fictionals at hero level. Mitch Trubisky can throw one heck of a spiral, Hero. Peter Parker is selfless and is Spiderman. Hero. Rainn Wilson made Dwight Schrute come alive. Hero.

But reality is not just in 30 minutes a week. There is more than just the glimpses of life we see on our screen. Football players are more than just amazing athletes. Comic fictions are not real. Actors have beliefs and choices that may not match what you expected. 
But are these people who we as Christians - men and women who have chosen to believe and repent and follow the risen Lord - should be following and claiming as our heroes?
The Hero we need AND the Hero we deserve is obvious! It is the Messiah, JESUS!!!!

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. John 3:17

Jesus is Hero worthy. He came to save me, to save us. Flawed and broken, and as we are. Look at Philippians 2, Jesus loved you and I so much, in that He stepped down from Heaven, and took the form of a servant, and became obedient in humility - even to death. For me. For you. 

Look to the saints of old, men and women from the Scriptures as inspirations. Hebrews 11 is called the Heroes of Faith chapter. A list of the Heroes of old. More and more examples. Men and Women who chose to follow Christ and believe in the coming Savior. 

Friends. What I am saying is not easy. It means we need to be more careful in who we idolize, in who we think is awesome and why.
Does that mean burn down Hollywood and Washington DC? No. 
What I am saying is we need to be more selective of who we idolize and what about them makes them our heroes. Is it there ability to hit a ball? Look good in a swimsuit? Read from a piece of paper? Make people laugh? Even lead our country? Or is it because they motivate you to be a better person, and sharpen you into a better believer in God?
"Iron sharpens iron,
    and one man sharpens another."
Friends, there are lot of people that we can believe in. But the thing about us humans, we are all sinful and in selfish and in need of a savior. Placing one of us above ourselves, in the place of God is dangerous and will end up in peril.  Or as the saying goes, the harder you pull on supermans cape, be ready for what you find out. 
My hero is God. And I am thankful for the Godly men and women who sharpen me and grow me and I the same to them. Are they heroes? No. Just other men and women who want to be more like our Lord. 

Happy thanksgiving!
Cheers and Excelsior!

Pastor Adam

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