Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Miracle

A word that we use too liberally, along with hate and love. But Miracle can be used to describe some time saving invention, face cream, to the 1980 US Men's hockey team. But what about a Christmas miracle.
Yesterday, on Jesus' 2015th birthday party, a very special person told me that I saved her/him Christmas. Now I should have corrected this person, but it did make me feel very special. So I let it slide.
But thinking on this, the real miracle that day was Jesus coming down from Heaven to be our, to be my redeemer. In our Christmas Eve service here at church that was the point from Pastor Gil. Jesus came to Earth kn owing He had to die in order to save us from our sin, to be the ultimate sacrifice.
That is a real savior. A real Christmas Miracle. Jesus chose dipper rash, colds, sore throats, school, crushes... and all the other joys of childhood because He loved us.
Did I save Christmas yesterday? In one person's eye I may have. But did I really? No. It was already saved for me and for all of us so many years ago.
Merry Christmas!


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