Thursday, April 9, 2015

Holster your Tweeter

I am back.

No, this is not Michael Jeffery Jordan - His Airness - this is me, Adam Fox.

I liked my first offering, a way for me to express my opinion as the youth director at First Baptist Church in Lockport. Hopefully, soon with the title - youth pastor. A guy can dream...

But what I was thinking about today is Christians on Social media. I follow a lot of Christian organizations and causes on Facebook like Child Evangelism or Geeks Under Grace to name some. But Facebook is stale, and like the little children we are we move on to the next trend. And that was Twitter.
Twitter is where Christians have taken root. There are Christians like myself who use twitter, and then there are Christian personalities. I follow a few anonymous Christians like Rev No Respect, Church Curmudgeon, Hipster Jesus, Angry Youth Pastor, Jesus is a Jerk, Back Row Believer, Rev. Brian Williams.... the list gets long. You can find a parody of any denomination or person in the church.
Why are we using these? Because we can post something onto an account like this and it is anonymous. We are free to speak are mind, say what we want, talk about who we want without the ramifications of a direct conversation or for the sake of comedy.
While I am not going to lie, you can look at my time line and it is filled with retweets from these people that make me laugh.
But at the same time I think we as a culture have a problem. We are afraid to talk out our problems. Instead we are hiding behind a 140 characters.
When we have a problem with another believer the Bible tells us to go to the person directly. Matthew 18 tells us to go talk to the person privately to correct the problem or incident - not gossip about it, or take it to the internet.
Rumors, gossip, and the like kill churches. We focus on the flaws and sins of other believers instead of what we are here for - to worship God.
Am I say stop twitter and all other social media, no. But it should be a second or third importance in times of frustration, not number 1.


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