Thursday, June 7, 2018

Just Shut up and Worship... or Dance

Worship Wonderings While Whirling


Did David Dance

By Pastor Adam Fox

Music is something that will always divide up a local church. There is and never will be a church that is completely and totally happy with how the music is done, or the style of it, or the level of it, or so many more. The church originally never had musical instruments in there worship services, using them would be too pagan. But today, churches around the globe do anything from choirs with hymnals, to choruses, music teams, to worship concerts. It is as broad as music is itself. 

But is there a correct way?

There seems to be a growing trend, right or wrong, but a trend to have the music times of a church service grown into a display or concert. Some churches roll out bands with multiple guitars, drummers, keyboards and all the lot, lead singer with a back up team, light show, even the smoke on stage. It takes the parishioner from participating into a music part of a church service into going and having a semi-pro band sing and play at you like at a concert. 

I love going to concerts, but not at church. Church is not about me being entertained through a pro-concert, but me worshiping God.  And I think we as a generation, or the trend of this generation is limiting how we worship God. And by doing so we have misused or misunderstand what worship of God really is. 

The origins of the word "worship" have their roots in Anglo-Saxson word meaning Worthship, as in praise or worship of that which is worthy. And my friends, there is only one who is truly worthy, and that is the Lord God. 

But worship is more than just music. We can worship God through so many other means, like song, reading His Word, our teaching and study, our work, our attitude, participating in the ordinances of the church to name a few. While song is the main way to do so, it is not the only way. We can worship the Lord God in many ways through times of the day. An example of that is King David. 

In my morning devotions this week, I am chugging along through the books of Samuel, and have been enjoying learning and being taught about David, Saul, Samuel, and so many others. But in 2 Samuel 6, there is a section that is not Baptist or Nazarene approved. David dances. 

Now, I am not a dancer, accept I have to be. Let me explain. 

My wife, Andrea, loves to dance. She has had this passion and love since she was a girl. In fact, as a young adult - she took lessons at Fred Astaire Studios. Me, never have I tapped a toe. But, things change over time, and I am always willing to try. Even if I mostly fail. At wedding receptions, we would go out there and dance, or rather Andrea would dance and I would try and keep up. After dancing together for a handful of times, it can be fun and exciting. I see more clearly now why King David chose it as a medium for worshiping the Lord. 

In 2 Samuel 6, David and the crew bring the ark back to it's home in Israel. After some difficulties and a few tries, the procession is bringing this sacred vessel back to where it belongs.  
1Then David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod. 15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet.

David danced or whirled before the people, and most importantly he dances to God as his form of Worship. (I always picture this scene as the one in the Blues Brothers where Jake and Elwood are dancing to Ray Charles on the piano, trust me, look it up.)

Singing. Dancing. Praying. Studying. Anything can be a way to praise and worship the Lord. But what matters most is your attitude. 

Bill Thrasher wrote a book called  A Journey to Victorious Praying. Thrasher has a section on Worship and it is spot on what is needed to worship God. Thrasher quotes Henry Blackaby saying "Genuine worship is when a person chooses to come into the presence of God and there is an encounter with God; when God literally so makes Himself known that there is an automatic response to the very nature of God."

We should worship God with our hearts, our minds, our will, our emotions, and our attitude. Each and every time, we need to bring all five of these to worship God truly and authentically. Without even one, it is not worship. It is just lip service like the Pharisees. 

David is the great example of that. He danced and worshiped the Lord with all his heart, mind, will, emotions, attitude. Not caring what he looked like, or what people will think of him enjoying being int the presence of God. 

Am I telling each of us Sunday to busta move, to start dancing like no one is watching? No. But if you do, make sure you are doing so for God and not for the enjoyment of others or to be seen or other selfish reasons. 
But what I am telling you is that no matter who is singing, playing, preaching, teaching, or praying we need to worship authentically to God with all our hearts, minds, wills, emotions, and attitudes. Stop making it about how fast or slow the song is, how much cowbell is being played in the song, what genre it is from, or who is leading it or preaching it. 

It is YOUR private time to worship the God who made you and loves you and anything short of that is not worship and is unacceptable. Like the song goes, 

The Heart of Worship.

When the music fades
and all is stripped away
and I simply come.
Longing just to bring
something that’s of worth
that will bless Your heart.
I’ll bring You more than a song,
for a song in itself
is not what You have required.
You search much deeper within,
through the way things appear,
You’re looking into my heart.
I’m coming back to the heart of worship
and it’s all about You, it’s all about You, Jesus.
I’m sorry, Lord, for the thing I’ve made it
when it’s all about You, it’s all about You, Jesus.
Cheers and Excelsior!

Pastor Adam