Thursday, February 8, 2018

What Kind of Veggie is Prayer? Lettuce! (Let us Pray)

The Power of Prayer

Talking to the Most High and listening to our Father

By Pastor Adam Fox

We do it before we eat. Before we sleep. In emergencies. And for good luck. It is filled with promises, some of which we do not keep, hopes, dreams, and truths. They are our prayers. We are called to be a people of prayer, but do we understand what that calling means?

I went back to college at Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais. I remember my first class there. It was Intro to Christian Ministry. It was a very simple course for 18 year olds, and my old self, that asked them a simple question. Do you want to be a pastor? Are you sure?

It was led by Dr Mark Quanstrom. I am lucky to have had him as my professor since now he has transitioned to a department chair and senior Pastor of College Church of the Nazarene. But while we were there together, Q always made me think. While we never saw eye-to-eye on all matters, he always made me think.

One of those areas was the simple question, "why do we pray?" There were many correct reasons why we pray, but the simple answer was the best. 
We pray, because God answers prayers. 

As believers in God, we can pray, and should. But what are the reasons for us. Is it because these recited phrase are good luck? Or the more we ask the more we get - the Squeaky wheel theory? Or the magic lamp theory of prayer. 

No. His simple point we pray to God because God answers prayers. The answer is not always yes, it can be a no, or a not now. But God always answers them. And we as believers need to get comfort with that. The Creator of the Universe, the one who formed the snow and tells it where to go, listens to me. Cares for me. 

Back to the story, Q told us this simple fact, that we pray because God answers them. He encouraged this new generation to pray, to ask for anything. God will answer. And follow up with him about what the answer was. 

So, I thought about it.  What if I would of prayed to win the Mega Millions and find a brand new Lamborghini. I doubt the answer would have been yes. 

So I sat there in that class thinking, and prayed for two things. God answered one that year, the other has just been answered. 

I prayed for friends. True friends that would support me in this new life adventure. And God provided. Bearded Steve. KP. Wide Can.  Joshy and Corey to name a few. Men that sharpen me, and encourage me and I them.

The other prayer was for God to show me the woman I should marry. While God took His time in answering that, He did answer. Gods is faithful and has a plan for us. He waited for the right time for me to find Andrea. 
And as of February 17, Andrea will be my wife. An answer to prayer, and an example of God's faithfulness. (I love you Andrea)

But what about us? What can we pray for? How should we pray? What can prayer teach us?

We pray, openly and specifically. Let me remind you, while Prayer is this special thing, it is not something to fear. While broken down, prayer is talking and listening. We are great at talking. We talk to God about our dreams, our hopes, our fears, our goals, our leaders, our country, our family...
But we need to learn to listen. Communication is half listening. God talks to us, through different ways, but as we see in Scripture through Elijah - God speaks softy too us. He whispers. 
11 Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lordbut the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. 13 So it was, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. Suddenly a voice came to him, and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” 1 Kings 19
God is there, He is listening to us. He cares for our needs and desires. It is our responsibility to talk and ask, but to listen. To have good communication. And to never have the attitude that our prayers do not work.

Our prayers matter. They can do miracles because God does miracles. Look at the prayer list that we email out and print out. How many times has God done what man says cannot happen?  Healing people. Saving people. To the glory of God. 
And if God can heal the sick, could He heal our broken nation? YES!!!

We need to pray. Pray for our nation, it's leaders, our community leaders, our pastors, pray specifically for people. Like the great revival verse tells us to do. 
 14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
We need to be active in our prayer life. Using the example of Jesus Christ, the man who prayed often and always. A great example or model to follow would be the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6.
Or like the Apostle Paul who taught us by example in prayer. Who in his letters in the Newer Testament, talked about how often he prays and loves the people he regularly prays for. 

Get a reputation like the Apostle James. Who has been called "Camel Knees" over his frequency to go to his knees in prayer. 
Or be a modern day Daniel. Who openly prayed to God and only God. Even though it should have cost him his life. He knew it was needed and important. Especially being in a country as sinful as Babylon… or like ours. 
Friends, pray hard and pray often. This is a private matter between you and the Lord. But it is important. It needs to be more than before meals and at holidays. We need to have an active prayer life with the God who loves us and sent His Son Jesus to die in our place. Talking on the punishment we deserve. 
While the answer will not always be yes, and not always come in our own time period. God ALWAYS answers them and always has a plan for us. He hears us and loves us and is talking to us. Listen with me. 
Will be gone for a bit to the islands. But will be back for the winter fun of Smarch.  Until next time my friends. 
Cheers and Excelsior!

Pastor Adam