Saturday, January 13, 2018

How is that Possible

Do You Believe in Miracles... YES!

Understanding the un-understandable

By Pastor Adam Fox

My two favorite movies are polar opposites but describe me well. The first is Dead Poets Society staring the effervescent Robin Williams. 
Image result for robin williams dead poets society
It is a movie that challenge the human to be the best and most that they are capable of. It is filled with poetry from some of the best, and the brilliant comedy of Robin Williams. 
( Bet ya didn't know Pastor Adam liked poetry?)

I would encourage you to copy the link above and watch that final scene of the movie. 
It will always be in my top three. 
The other movie, is kinda the opposite. It personifies patriotism and teamwork, and overcoming the odds. It is Miracle. The story of the 1980 US Olympic Men's Hockey team. 

"Hockey? Blahh. " You may be thinking.
But oh no my friends. This is worth the watch. 
Kurt Russell portrays determined head coach Herb Brooks as he takes an unusual group of collegiates who have to learn to work together, to put team before self, to take on the super power of  the USSR Hockey team. 

For them to medal, let alone win would need to be a miracle. 
This was a true story and real event, but is still a movie. Hollywood has a habit of glamorizing true stories and twisting truths.
But the question is then, Do Miracles still happen?

The short answer is yes, but. 

As a Christian, it is easy for me to see things in the world and say" Miracle!" Where others would just say science or nature. 
Do you give credit to the hospital staff and medicine for the healing of someone very sick, or do you give glory to God? We would blinded if we do not give credit to both. But we cannot forget God. Miracles happen every day. 
Look at some examples from the world of medicine.
Cancer gets treated and many people recover from it.
People that should not survive an illness, recover. 
Medicine can not explain it. It just happens. It is a God moment. 
Look at the Older Testament for more examples. 
Abraham is walking miracle in himself. The father of many nations, but for years he was childless. But he believed and trusted. And God provided in the correct time. 
And when God told Abraham to sacrifice this child, his only child. Abraham understood that the God who created everything, including his son Issac, had the power to provide and give.
Image result for sacrifice of isaac 
Or look at Moses. 
He lead the nation of Israel out of Captivity by demonstrating some of Gods power in the form of the 10 plagues. Miracle number 1.
Then when the Egyptian Army tried to mow them all down in the desert by the Red Sea. God parted the Sea and gave them a path to cross to safety. Miracle 2.

If they happen so frequently, and noticeably - why do we not want to give credit to God for these miracles. For God stepping in and doing the impossible. 
It requires us as humans to acknowledge that there is a God and that He is in control of everything at all times. 

And that is difficult for some of us. We want to know everything. Not just that a Hot Dog is delicious, but where it is made, what is inside it, how they make it, down to what specific animals they use. 
This past week, I have been studying the a miracle of Jesus in the feed of the 5000. This amazing story which can be found in  Mark 6, shows Jesus making something out of very little. 
With over 5000 men, plus unknown amounts of women and children, from the surrounding towns there to listen to him talk and heal. Jesus challenges His disciples to feed the crowd. 
A disciple remarks it would take 8 months of waged to give the bare minimum to the people. 
That is one expensive meal.
But one little boy offers his lunch. 5 small barley loves and two tiny fish, sardine size. 

Not a feast, but a sufficient meal for a person. Jesus takes it, give thanks to God the Father for it, and divides it up.
Only there is always more. And more. Each person gets all they want and there is still more left!

I believe we are still living in a society where God does miracles, but we are too blind to see them. 
Granted, Jesus is not here turning water to wine, or healing a leper in the middle of town. But He does still do miracles today. Then why do we find it so difficult to understand and believe?
That is the answer itself, we struggle to believe. 
Miracles by definition are an unwelcome event that is not explainable by any law, that requires belief. 

So, where does that leave us?
Do we ignore science and natural order completely? No.
Do we ignore God and believe in only the tangible? No.
For me, I believe in God. I am a Christian that trusts Him and His plan for my life. But that does not mean I am against science or the learned things. God created those as well. 
Trust in God.
Believe in God.
Pray to God.
And God will answer. 
I had a professor that exhibited His faith in God by praying. He prayed regularly for miracles for his parishioners. He taught us to pray for miracles. Pray for the everyday things. Pray for your hearts content. Just keep praying. 
Nothing is impossible for our God.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.  Ephesians 3:20-21

Amen and Amen. 

Miracles are still happening all around us. From the common tiny miracles, to the grand and eye-catching. We need to keep praying and believing that our God is in control and listens to our prayers. 
Image result for do you believe in miracles gif

Cheers and Excelsior!

Pastor Adam