Monday, December 11, 2017

Yipee-ki-yea and Merry Christmas ya Filthy Animals

Christmas movies, the real reason of the Season?

Or is it???

By Rev Adam Fox

Christmas is a very busy time of the year. It is shopping galore balanced with working like crazy for said shopping money. With family and festivities and winter weather all bunched up in a few weeks. It is a very magical time of the year, but it is also stressful. Perhaps that is why it is acceptable to have so many delicious foods and drinks. Thank you egg nog.
Outside of food, one way to battle the stresses of December, is with movies. 

There are so very many Christmas movies. It is a very easy movie to do, and every sitcom to movie franchise has done one. Even Star Wars. Some traditional classics like Miracle on 34th Street, It's a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol, Scrooge to name a few. Of course the Muppet Christmas Carol and who can forget classics like Elf or A Christmas Story or National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation or even Home Alone. Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? (Yes. It forever will be)
Is there a movie or tv show that warms your heart more than any Peppermint Mocha ever will? 
For me? The competition is great, but the best Christmas Movie is National Lampoons. Nothing beats The Griswald's and the craziness that is there family. Toss in a boss who is cheap, a cousin who is very hillbilly, and dream of a pool. And you got a great movie. 

Do you need to see Tim Allen in order to do so?

Movies are wonderful and to me, they can make any day feel better. Even if I have to drive through Chicago snow, to a shopping mall to get a gift. Movies make Christmas better. 
But are they the ultimate of the Christmas season?

No they are not. Movies are great. Music is festive. Trees and decorations and creative light shows are nice. Shopping, well, it is always great. But none of them are the point. The point is Jesus, God the Son stepping down from Heaven to be born of a Virgin girl to forgive sin. 

Snow can be nice - I guess - Music is nice too. Presents are pretty grand. But those things are just the footnote to the real point of the season, and that is Jesus being born. 

I had the opportunity to teach the other day on the Innkeeper. And while I have heard his line of Scripture from Luke 2 many times, a thought occurred. He missed it too. 
Image result for innkeeper luke 2 funny

The man had a business and was buy during a busy season in Bethlehem due to the census. There were many travelers, and few rooms. He had a business to run and many people to take care of. But when Joseph and his pregnant fiance came to find a place to stay - he turn them away. There was a no vacancy. 
This man missed the point too. The human mother of God, carrying God the Son came to his doorstep and he did not notice. Work will always be demanding. Family and friends will always want to be together. Music and Movies run non-stop all this month. Christmas events and parties are there too. But those should be secondary compared to celebrating the fact that Jesus came to Earth. The Messiah, the one who saves. He chose to come to Earth taking this human form in order to be the perfect sacrifice for my sin. For your sin. For the WORLDS sin. 

Christmas is great and memorable. But we need to remember, we celebrate because Jesus came to Earth to save sin.  Let's not be like the innkeeper, and miss the point. 

Merry Christmas!

Cheers and Excelsior!
Pastor Adam