Friday, August 11, 2017

In Brightest Day, In Darkest Night...

Finding Hope in the darkest of Places

By Rev Adam Fox

Good afternoon my friends. 
What a week I have had. And before you ask, the answer is yes - that is the opening line to the Green Lantern Oath. Hal, John, and even Guy all have claimed that Oath and used it to transform themselves into the green galactic police.
This week reminded me of the Green Lanterns, even at some points, I have thought of myself as a member of the Lantern Corp. But not a Green Lantern, a different one. A new one. 
Sunday Night, my mother had a cardiac episode on the way home from work. She was rushed to the St Joe's ER and then into a room. While I am not hear to give you the minute-by-minute details of our week, you will need to ask the other Fox son. 
AS of this writing on Thursday Night, Mom Fox is holding her own and then some. She is doing so much, and by the Grace of God, back on the marathon of life. 
But in the quite of the hospital, and trust me there is plenty, there has been one thought. How do some people do this?
The Fox Family is blessed, once the call was made about Mom Fox in an accident, word spread. Family, to friend, to coworkers, to neighbors, to churches of all kinds. Prayers and petitions to the God of the Universe, the one and only God for her. 
From Chicago to Springfield, from coast to coast, From Sidney, Australia to Silver Birch Ranch in Wisconsin. People I have not seen or some talked to in years. WE rally. WE pray. WE love. But most importantly WE give hope.

Hope is hard at times. Life can be cruel to the naked eye at moments. Like when a loved one is in the hospital and some of the staff have given up on her already. That is where hope kicks in.
But it is the source of hope that I want to single out. 
I can hope for many things, in this chair holding me up, in the state of Illinois having dunder heads in charge, in the White Sox winning the pennant in 2020... but as a Christian, Hope needs to be from God.
Men will fail us. Science, technology, heroes will fail us. But God never will. The author of Hebrews tells us that. 

David wrote in Psalm 3:2
 Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” 
3 But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. 
4 I call out to the LORD, and he answers me from his holy mountain. 
5 I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. 
6 I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.

And that is it. God gives us hope, He is always with us and the one that sustains us. Even when life seems to gang up on you. Or as David puts it - i will fear not even if 10000 of them are against me. 
This is coming from the man who fought a virtual giant as a teenager with just a handful of rocks.

My friends, this has been a horrid week. Hospitals and surgeries and no sleep, and bad coffee all day, but I feel refreshed in my soul. I feel refreshed because of all of my support team, my family, my friends, my church, the other churches, the thousands in attendance and the millions at home. I got two words for ya! THANK YOU!!

But the first question that I started with still rings in my head. How do people who do not have a relationship with God, do moments like this? I do not know.
The only way any of my family can be here, is BECAUSE we have a God who loves us and holds us in His hands. 
A God who gives us hope. 
Thank you all so much. Until next time.

Cheers and Excelsior!

 - Pastor Adam