Friday, November 11, 2016

a Response to Mr Trump

From Trump to God

By Rev Adam Fox

Greetings my fine Blog Friends, or Blends. 
Can you believe we have 7 weeks left in this calendar year. 2016 has been a roller coaster of emotions, both high and low. And for some, we have reached the lowest of the low. For some in our Nation, the loss of Harambe and Bowie and the situation with Police was bad, wait till  you get a hold of President Elect Donald Trump. Yep, Trump. 

The Billionaire who got a Stunner for Stone Cold Steve Austin in a WrestleMania.

The man who gave directions to Kevin in Home Alone.

The man who is famous for saying "You're Fired"

He is going to be our next President. Let that sink in a little.

For half of our country, this is a man that produces such an emotional response. Because of things said - both in the election process and in life, because of actions, business stuff, family stuff...Hatred, Fear, Anger are emotions that are bubbling up from so many in the amazing country of ours. 

For myself, I did not know how to respond that Wednesday morning. Should I be excited? Should I be scared? Should I lash out on a social media platform so everyone can hear my opinion (if they like it or not)? And for a hot minute, I got on Facebook like I normally do and it was a war zone. The Pro Hillary people, the pro Trump people. The fear spreaders. The terrified. The excited. The braggers. Even the non-voters. Of all the things I read, there was one common word used. They.

Each side used a word to describe the other view point and refereed to them as They. And it bothers me. We are the UNITED States of America. We will have differences, but a great thing about this country is that we work together on the things that matter. We are a country that loves on each other, as the Bible talks about. Love our neighbors. My point is this, stop refering to other people, or people groups as they. It isolates you and makes others feel under you. Attempt to work out the differences instead of letting uncontrolled emotions run wild. But that still leaves us with the latest Hot Button issue. Our next president is a man that a lot do not respect, some are afraid of, and others want to leave because of. While I am not saying how I voted, because that does not matter any longer. Mr Trump is our President. Protesting and rioting will not make last Tuesday go away. Using the hashtag #notmypresident will not change the fact that he is. This is a 180 from 8 years ago when Evangelicals would not accept Obama as there President. But we must. Am I curious as to what campaign promise will be kept? If there was a Campaign Trump and a President Trump? What will happen to Minority groups and refuges? All YES!But I believe we need to wait and see. See who he appoints around him, his cabinet and advisers. See if he acts differently than his Twitter persona.Wait and see before we judge and sentence. And if we wait and see, we also need to one thing. The most important thing all Christians and Americans can do - Pray.Prayer is important and it works. We are called to not only love our fellow man, but also pray for our leadership. Leadership means local government, church leaders, up to our top man and the people who advises them. And that is where I want to spend the last of this with. We need to Pray for President Trump, like him or not, voted for him or not, scared of him or not. AND we need to pray for wisdom for his advisory as well. The Bible is filled with examples of people who sought council from men who were not Godly men and gave horrid advice. Look at the Book of Esther. Or look at the friends of Job. Look at Rehoboam... These examples of how bad advice can influence a person. We need to pray for Godly men and women to surround Mr Trump and seek God on every decision. And Pray for Trump. 1 Timothy 2 shows us clearly what we need to do for all our elected officials. "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time."
Let me leave you with this. God has not forgotten us. He knew who would become President and it is what we need. Now it is our turn. PRay for him, about every decession and every appointment and law. And that He would seek a relationship with God if he has not already.
Until next time. 

Cheers and Excelsior!
Pastor Adam