Thursday, May 26, 2016

Getting out of your comfort zone

Pastor Adam Fox

Comfort zones are great. They are that unique sense of relaxation where we get fed emotionally instead of having to give. We do not have to try. It’s a safe place.

For me, a comfortable place usually is at home, with a pizza or huge burger and fries, and either a good movie or a game – or why not both! And sometimes these days are refreshing, but if that is all we do, every night movie and a burger, that would ruin us. Physically, it would make us lazy and so fat. But more importantly, emotionally and spiritually – it would never challenge us. Every difficult time in our life we would cower and hide, every opportunity for growth we would be at home where it is safe. Comfort zones can be good if used rightly, but very dangerous.

The other weekend, Andrea and I went to the zoo for a day. Nothing like seeing all the wondrous creations of our God. I always love looking at the otters – assuming they aren’t sleeping. But the camels, and the red pandas are always a must. We were amazed at seeing the road runners so close. They are so fast!

But after a cold but wonderful day of walking and looking at animals we stopped off for dinner. We went to a burger joint that looked interesting in LaGrange – Back Alley Burgers. No one had to twist my arm to eat a burger.

But when we got there and as we were figuring out how to order, I looked around, looked a the fixtures, the design, even what makes up there menu. It was a menu designed for the Millennial.

While neither of us are Millennials, Generation Y, but I know that a lot of business cater to that growing market, and sweet sweet cash.
I would be lying if the atmosphere and feel of the restaurant did not make me feel uncomfortable.

Is that a bad feeling? No.

While we will be asked to leave our comfort zones for various things. It could be taking a new job, going away to college, taking that next big step in your relationship… to name a few. But as we leave our bubble of safety, are we going alone? Not on your life.

God promises us, PROMISES us that we will never be alone. The 5 word promise in Hebrews 13 tells us that “I will never leave you”

God will be with us always, EVEN IN THE SCARY TIMES. AS believers, we even have God living with us in the form of the Holy Spirit.

So with that amazing promise, we need to take steps out from our area of safety. Grow spiritually and emotionally. Maybe even eat a hipster burger with a big side of pretentious. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Relationships or just relations

Relationships or just Relations

Excelsior True Believers!

God reminds me of so many things. Sadly, sometimes He has to tell me a few times somethings because I just did not hear him the first or second time. 
Today I was in my devotional time with God, and I was brought to Psalm 133 and Romans 12. And in Psalm 133 verse 1 says "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!"
How great is it when brothers dwell in unity. Unity of course is the key word here. We are called to live, work, act in unison. And sometimes that can be difficult, especially among Christians. 
We let the minor things become major things and make us into wolves instead of sheep. Like last night for example. Captain America: Civil War came out to theaters, Team Cap all the way! And the premise of the movie without spoiling it is that Iron Man wants the government to regulate them and all super powered peoples. 
This tiny thing disrupts the team, and the universe into a brawl in which feelings get hurt, friends split apart, even some die. 
While a great read, or watch for the movie adaptation, this should not be how we are in the church.
We are called to love each other, to support each other in good times as well as rough times. We are the bride of Christ. Why do we forget that? Why do we focus on the color of the carpet, who owes whom an apology, should the lights be on our off for a candle light service...
Lets strive to live in unity with our brothers. To not only love them as God loves them, but to actually like them too. To dwell in unity. 
Until next time.
Take Care and Spike your hair!