Thursday, March 10, 2016

Kids Say the Darnedest Things

Excelsior True Believers

What a busy season. But worth it. So many have been praying for growth in our church both spiritually and numerically. And God has answered that. We have had some new families come to our Children's programs and more opportunities - and God has answered. The power of prayer.  But one of our new families has two adorable boys.
I was teaching last night at AWANA about the faith of the Centurion and going through the Gospel message too. And This new kid - Billy (not his real name) was listening like he always does, eager to learn and trys hard personality.
And I was telling them that God loves them and Sent Jesus to save us from our sin problem - Jesus took our sin punishment and let people die.
 I was right in the middle of this amazing fact of how we can accept Christ as our savior then Billy says something. While I am not surprised, 20-25 minutes is a lot for kids to sit quietly, but Billy said something that made my night.
When I said Jesus let people kill him and He died but He did not stay dead, Billy says " This is the best part"
I stopped. A little shocked that he would interrupt me but Billy was right. This is the best part.
Jesus died on a cross for my sin, for all our sins. But did not stay dead. He rose from the grave 3 days later.
It was such a simple remark, but was so honest and to the point.

Keep praying!

Pastor Adam