Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Excelsior True Believers!

It has been a while since I wrote to you all, but like everything I start in my life, I bite off more than I can chew.
But lately I am reminded of timing.
It is a fact that God has a plan for each of us, and nothing we do or happens surprises Him. Sickness, unemployment, death, anything.
It takes us a while to understand that our dreams, our desires, or needs and greeds are not always what God has planned for us.
If God had left things up to me, I would be a traveling reporter for a dying business - newspapers, while going to church when I can. That is not what he had for me.
But lately I have been teaching on the life of Joseph and just starting David. These two men are great examples of God's timing.
Joseph has such a hard difficult life from slavery to wrongful imprisonment, to being forgotten completely. All this happened I believe so that Joe would be in the right place when he was needed, to save Egypt, his family, and the known world.
Did Joe want all this bad things to happen to him? Of course not, but the great thing in this lesson, is that God was shaping Joe into the man He needed him to be.
Somethings in our life will happen and we will not like them. I struggled with the fact that I was at Pizza Hut for over a decade, but God has not forgotten us, it is just He is teaching us, shaping us, for the moment our skills, our talents, us - are needed.
And for let us remember from David and his struggles with Saul, or with Joseph his horrid life in Egypt - that God shaping us into the men and women we need to be hurts us, but it is transforming us into more like God - all in his own time.

Until next time

